Friday, September 12, 2014

So…”hot spots” are not really all that hot. We have spent brief amounts of time in areas that did not have internet connection. However, I ‘assumed’ it was due to all the trees blocking our direct shot to our satellite in the sky. (Yes, it is true, I am not a techie. I am not even somewhat savvy when it comes to, well much of anything that has to do with gadgets). 
Here, in the area of canyons and wide open sky, I just don’t understand why we cannot get internet coverage or bars for our mobile phones!  Where is our satellite?  You don’t realize how dumb you have become until your Smart Phone is inoperable.
Whether I understand the whys-and-what-nots makes no difference. Life without internet and/or phones makes it harder to accomplish things that otherwise take mere seconds.
When I finally did get on-line, there were notes from many people, fearing the worst. 
No, the Tumbleweed did not roll off a cliff.
No we did not become lost in the canyons and are surviving on locusts and honey.
And we especially did not get abducted by aliens. Although we did have a rather strange encounter with a retired gold miner and his dog…but we will save that story for another day.
We picked up the Paplows (friends since before the invention of TV dinners) from the Salt Lake City airport, where they had flown in to meet us from Minnesota, for a 3 week excursion through some amazing canyons.
As I, just today, got my hands on literally thousands of pictures we have collectively taken over the past week or so, it will take some time to sort through them and get them organized from park to park, etc.
I have decided to post separately, starting tomorrow, for each area that we stayed, until the blog is current and up to date with our real-time location. 
Moab is where our adventure began. 
See you tomorrow, with tons of pics to follow, as my satellite should be floating above me to our next stop. It will be a late in the evening post, as we have a loooong travel day ahead of us . .. but I will post, I promise! 
I am very excited to share some astounding photos of how time and elements can actually beautify! Because as we all know, erosion happens!

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