Saturday, September 13, 2014

First stop on the Canyons Tour, Moab, Arizona

Taking the Paplows, who are from the flat land of Minnesota, to the Canyon areas was like watching two kids on a trip to their first toy shop. Wide eyes, dropped jaws, ooohs and ahhhsOnly difference is they had their cameras clicking like they were on an Asian tour bus.Totally not meant as a slur on Asian people, by the way! 

We actually had an Asian tour bus unload in front of one of the visitor centers we were at and as soon as Cotye, our dog, saw he had an audience…he put on a show, running circles around Mark with his leash on, then hunkering down with his front paws and face in the grass (butt in the air) as if to pounce on his prey, (Mark) only to jump up to the top of his head, missing him by inches…then off in a lasso run around Mark again and again, repeating his routine.

The bigger the crowd, the bigger the show he put on. There were cameras and videos taken by nearly everyone on that bus. Somewhere out there, I know Cotye is a YouTube sensation.

Back to our trip ... Between the four of us collectively, we literally have thousands of photos of our trip thus far . . . and we still have a week to go. 

Our journey began in Moab, so that is where today's post will take us. 

The miscellaneous town shots you will see are from the little town of Moab and its surrounding areas. 

The river shots are all taken while on a Sunset Cruise on the Colorado River, and all of the dry terrain shots are from either Arches, Dead Horse or Canyon Lands.

I sure wish pictures could capture the depth and beauty you see in person. Still, I think you will be very pleased! Enjoy!

Colorado River



rock climber

red fox

Tree built into the facia of a corner bar, with continuous flame emitting, very unique
ski lift benches

Stay tuned for more amazing photos from our next stop; Kodachrome park and Bryce!


  1. Stunning pictures, Ivah. Why didn't you take a picture of Mark and Cody hamming it up? What beautiful country we have.

  2. Sharlene, it was the ONE time I did NOT have my camera with me!
    Yes, this is a beautiful country. It is amazing how much of it is uninhabited by humans!
