Saturday, May 30, 2015

Santa Fe, through Colorado to Glendo, Wyoming

Our stay in Santa Fe was way too short. One day of for exploring the area was simply not sufficient. The RV Resort we stayed at:

. . . has a small claim to fame. Parts of the Clint Eastwood movie, "Every Which Way But Loose", was filmed there.

Since our time was limited, we could only pick one of many areas to peruse. We chose the Historic Plaza area. The weather could not have been any more perfect. Here is a visual of our day:


Parking structures



This is a window inside of a building that allows a view of the inner walls, showing
the adobe mud and straw mixture used to build the original structure.


The San Miguel Church, oldest church in the U.S.A.

Rosaries hanging on a tree inside a church courtyard

Beautiful church!


Ancient Safe

I know the reflection messed with this photo, but this exquisite
headdress had to be shared!



Specialty of the area; FRITO PIE

The Plaza Park


Yay, flavored popcorn!

Smokin' Hot Fajitas

Oldest house in the USA
Located directly across the street from the oldest church in the USA

Hard to see this, but this is inside the oldest house, looking up at the roof.
It is merely mud and wood and straw. How did this not leak?


Built for very short people. No problemo for me!

We were up and on the road again Friday morning. No photos from that drive as it was drizzly the whole way into Colorado, and a ton of construction that brought us down to one lane each way most of the time. 

It was strange to see more Texas license plates on the road than Colorado ones, beings how we were actually in Colorado. Made me wonder if they were people fleeing Texas due to the floods or rushing to get back home.

By the time we made camp in Fountain, CO (just outside of Colorado Springs), we were just able to get plugged in and hooked up before the torrential downpour started, along with some great thunder and lightning.

We phoned ahead to confirm our site for Saturday in Scott’s Bluff, Nebraska and found out they were all full up. All of the other RV Parks nearby were flooded so they were jam packed. Good thing Mark thought to phone ahead!

Well Nebraska, we’ll have to catch you another time. We are re-routing through Wyoming and made reservations for Glendo Lakeside RV Resort for the night.

Unfortunately, my iPad (with all of my music) wasn't cooperating with the RV speaker system today. Lucky for Mark (good luck? bad luck? lol)  I sang to him every time I saw something that reminded me of a song. Here are a few examples;

He got us up before the chickens because he wanted to miss the Denver rush hour. When we got on the road, this is what we saw . . . 

So I sang to him, "Looks Like We Made It", by Barry Manilow

(Giant plywood buffalo) I sang "Flat Buffalos, they make the Rockin' World Go Round" 
- my own tweak on Fat Bottom Girls by Queen

I sang, Harmony by Elton John, of course.

I sang, Come Together by the Beatles
(Here come old flattop, he come grooving up slowly . . . )

I sang, Long and Winding Road by Paul McCartney

(Brass cowboy and horse) I sang, Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys by Waylon Jennings

There were oh so many more. I bet he'll try to fix my iPad before tomorrows drive!!!

Here are a few more pics from our drive today. Snowy mountaintops.

(sorry about the bug guts)

Snow fences. For those who are unfamiliar, you will see these in flat areas where they typically get a lot of snow. These fences are put up to stop the snow from drifting across the highway.


If you look really closely next to the white patches, you will see prairie dogs standing upright!

And we are tucked into place for the night at Glendo Lakeside RV Resort in Wyoming.
So much land. Fresh air. BeaUtiful!

Now it is time to put some steaks on the barby and chill for the evening. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Shirley. Sharing this blog makes me feel like the RV is full of family and friends as we roll on down the road. Thank God I don't have to share the loo with y'all!

  2. Can you sing Marks favorite, Sweet home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd and Radar Love by Golden Earring?? Those will make the miles fly by!! Don't forget Free Bird that is good for 9 minutes. How about Iron Butterflies In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. That is good for 17 minutes in the long version!! Come on "you know you can do it". Keep coming east!! See Ya, Pat

    1. Thanks Pat! I'm sure Mark we be so excited when I tell him your suggestion! If you and Dawnie were here, we could be singing the Red Cup song!
