Monday, June 1, 2015

Cheers to the good life!

(. . . I am singing): “Come on baby, do the Loco-Motion. A chuga-chuga motion like a railroad train, now. Come on baby, do the Loco-Motion.” (. . . and doing the corresponding dance in my chair, of course.)

No the iPod wire did not get fixed. I am the music once again.

Got a late start Sunday morning as Mark decided to flush/sanitize the water tanks before we left. It took a lot longer than anticipated. A relaxing morning was a nice change!

We hit the road and  BAM a giant fly hit us.

(He's what looks like road kill on the side of the road.

The bugs in Wyoming tend to be the size of small birds. When they hit, the THUD  sounds like a big, juicy, wad of gum splatting on the windshield.

I was wondering why we hadn’t seen any bikers on the highway. Now I know. One bug and it’d take their head right off – !

Regardless of the giant bug brigade, Wyoming is beautiful to drive through. It looks like someone mowed the whole state and kept the lawn watered religiously. Towns were few and far between. Individual farms scattered miles apart. 

We came upon one town where the sign read; Lost Springs, Pop: 4

Then we came upon the town of Lusk. It felt like we were on a movie set from the 1950’s. The buildings were so well preserved from a time long past, they appeared new. Being Sunday, everybody was in their “go-to-Sunday-meeting-church” clothes. I wanted to jump out of the RV and never leave. It seemed so peaceful and far from the troubles of this current world we live in.

However, as quickly as the town appeared, it disappeared behind us even faster, like a mirage in the rear view mirror. Once again we were back into green pastures that stretched as far as the eye could see.

I had fun spotting deer or antelope, which ran abundantly through the lush grass. And of course, I wore out the song;  Home, home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play . . . Mark is such a good sport, he didn’t complain once. I think he has learned how to tune me out after all these years. In fact I am sure of it.

These looked like white tailed deer. Their tails so white, they were like reflectors in the sun.

As soon as we crossed into South Dakota, you could see the difference in the landscape. We went from golf course quality pastures into what looked like a child’s play area; grass, dirt, rocks, mounds and ruts to drive toy trucks through.

Then the mounds, ruts and rocks got larger and soon there were towns sprinkled here and there.

We drove by a cow that was standing in the middle of the herds drinking tub. This was not a human-size tub, it was a 4-foot high x probably 6 to 8-foot round, steel tub. You could tell by the look on the cows face he had no idea what to do next. I can’t imagine how he got in there by himself and am pretty sure he’ll need some help getting out. Boy will the other cows be pissed when they find him standing in their drinking water!

It was a relatively short drive to our next destination; Hot Springs, South Dakota. We are set up right on the shore of Lake Angostura. The waters edge is so shallow, people can pull their boats right up to the beach and tie off on a tree.

This is the view from our RV:

We sat outside and sucked in the good life; Mark with a beer, me with a glass of wine and Cotye with his bone.

We are here for two nights. It was so nice to sleep in this morning and not have to pack up and head out. Tomorrow we head to another campground in the Black Hills where we will be for 3 nights.

Almost time to put on the swimsuit and check out the lake temp. If you hear a loud scream, it's just me and the water is NOT warm. =)


  1. Sounds fantastic! I thought you were in Queensland there for awhile ~ lol

    1. Parts of this trip have reminded me of Queensland! No kangaroos though.
      Having a great time. Glad you are along for the ride!
