Thursday, June 4, 2015

Custer State Park, South Dakota

As many of you may know from my Facebook postings, we had quite a bit of excitement Monday night at Agostura Lake. 

The Rangers came around and warned everyone of high winds and severe thunder and lightning. 

(Something wicked this way comes!)

I was amazed at how much of a beating the Tumbleweed could take. No leaks. No dents. No landing in OZ. She did well. Us, not so much. It is hard to sleep when it sounds like you are in the midst of a hurricane. Wind, rain, gumball size hail; much, much louder in an RV than if you are in a house.

The following morning we packed up and moved to Legion Lake Campground in Custer State Park where apparently, it is all about the Bison.

Our first buffalo sighting was a bit different than expected . . .

(I'm blue, da da dee da da doo )

(They really take their Speed Control serious here!)

(Legion Lake)

Nice little campground, but no full hook-ups. (Boo) They did, however, make up for it by having a nice little restaurant on the lake, that also had a Starbuck’s inside. (Happy Camper)

"Daddy wait! You forgot to take me!"

(Mark takes Cotye on the most important part of setting up at a new campground;
marking all of the trees! Cotye was here!)

After we got settled in at our campsite, we all got into the Toad to take a drive around the wildlife viewing loop. We were surprised at how many critters we saw!

Very Large Herd of Bison - Lotsa Babies

Here we have Bison in the background, a Prong Horn looking at us, and a
Prairie Dog looking at the Prong Horn!

Baby Bison

Mommy Bison was right there keeping an eye on us.
It was a bit nerve wracking to have such a large creature eating right next to me.
I had to wonder if she was pondering on if I'd taste better than that grass she was grazing on 

"Sorry. My log. Get your own firewood." (Yes Sir Mr. Bison. No Worries)

We almost didn't get out of there when these two Yahoos decided to
 stand right in front of our car.

Cotye typically loves animals, all kinds - but he wasn't too sure about these Bison!



Elk hiding behind small trees

Prong Horn

Turkey Vulture (close up)

Turkey Vultures playing Sentinel 

Chubby lil Prairie Dog


Texas Longhorn's - Extremely grateful they kept these fenced in!

Wildlife is always the highlight of the trip for me.

Stopped at one of the park’s outhouse facilities, opened the door and out charged a bee the size of a Buick. He was obviously very angry about being locked inside for only God knows how long - so angry that he plowed right into me, nearly knocking me off my feet. Truth. He hit me so hard, it briefly knocked him out and he fell to the ground. (Better him than me!)

As I went to step over him, he flew back up with a vengeance (I think he thought I was going to step on him) and came at me AGAIN! This time I gave him a good, solid kick into the next campground.

Meanwhile, Mark had turned the car around and pulled up just in time to see what appeared to be me dancing about like a mad woman. How he did not see that bee is baffling. 

However, shortly thereafter when he got out of the car, he yelled; “Did you see the size of that bee?” "Uh, yah!!!" (I find that every once in a while it is good to have proof that you aren't completely bonkers!)

Tuesday we took another drive, this time to check out the area. Here are some photos of what we found:

Once again we have the road all to ourselves

Beautiful colors


Jagged Skyline

Almost looks like the Hoodoo's you would find at Bryce Canyon, only gray

Very Bizarre Rocks

This one was called The Eye of the Needle. Appropriate.

This is a rock tunnel we had to pass through.
Glad we left the RV back at camp!

From inside the rock tunnel

These should be the rocks that they filmed, National Treasure 2, on.

We got back to camp just as it started to sprinkle and once again a Ranger came by and advised there would be a severe thunder and lightning storm. The sprinkle turned to buckets, followed by hail. We only heard small amounts of thunder in the distance; must have been on the edge of the storm. Cotye was not impressed and slept through the whole thing.

Baby loves his blankies! (He makes for a good foot warmer too)

Wednesday we left Cotye to man the RV as Mark and I headed to Mount Rushmore. 

It is hard to see, but they actually designed this tunnel to frame
the four presidents' heads.

Mt. Rushmore


Regardless of the rules, Mark fed me anyway. =)

Whatever . . . I'm keeping my panties on! You can throw yours out if you wish . . .

Honestly the BEST vanilla ice cream I have ever tasted!

A profile shot on our way back to camp

Last night we were all awoken by the strongest storm yet. No Rangers came a knockin' to warn us this time. I opened the blinds on my side of the bed and fell asleep with my nose pressed against the glass. LOL – I love a good storm. (Do not try this at home. Besides looking like a Pug for half the day, you're a sitting duck for a stray bolt of lightning!)

Today it is rainy and cold. We were lucky we did our sightseeing while the weather was good. Mark is in the back, happily snoring the afternoon away, while Cotye is here in the front (being my foot warmer) and snoring in sync with Mark. (Oh my head)

Tomorrow we pack up and go to Horse Thief Campground. (And I’m singing . . . ♫ “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves . . . )


  1. Super blog report. Lot's of fun riding along with your travels.

  2. Sounds exciting. Beautiful pictures.

    1. Thanks Sharlene! It is easy to take beautiful pics when you're surrounded by nothing by beauty!

  3. Great travel journal! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Love sharing and yes, I am sure I will refer back to this for memory-refreshers every now and again!

  4. I swear Ivah, you need to find Comedy Clubs in every town and do Open Mic Nite. Love reading about your adventures and seeing the photos. I feel like I'm there with you. Safe Travels my gypsy cousin :-)

  5. Put a mic in front of me and it is the only time you will see me at a loss for words. It's like a magic trick that my husband doesn't know about, so, shhhh! lol
    Glad you are traveling with us dear cuz!
