Saturday, June 6, 2015

Boom Boom Pow!

We pulled into Horse Thief Campground Friday afternoon. While checking in, Mark spotted a newspaper from Wednesday. On the front page was an article showing that Lusk, that idyllic little town that I posted about, had about half the rain in one day that they normally get in a year. Consequently, the rain washed out their bridge and flooded the town.  How sad.

We got set up and shortly afterwards Mark became very ill. He was like a Roman candle; shooting from both ends. I tossed him some water with electrolytes in it, along with a can of Lysol spray and closed him off in the back of the rig to quarantine him and his cootie-germs.

Cotye and I pulled out the sofa bed and slept out front. He may only be 40 lbs, but he sleeps like he’s a 125 lb dog. I spent the night curled up like a ball in the corner of the bed, while he stretched out like a king. He usually sleeps in his kennel, but it was in the back with the sickie-guy, and I didn’t want Cotye bugging him. So this was his first sleep on a bed. I didn’t have the heart to spoil it for him. The kink in my neck was worth it.  =)

This morning Mark was back to normal and we were planning on driving into the little town of Hill City for a bit of shopping. However the weather got nasty real quick so we stayed in and watched a video.

Even though our phones are out of range at this location, we both got a Flash Flood warning on them. Pretty sure one of the lightning bolts hit here in the park. We are in the middle of some nasty stuff at the moment!

Mark got on-line and checked out Weather Underground and found that Hill City was currently a foot under water. I think we’ll stay put for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, the thunder is so strong it shakes the RV. According to the alerts, it is supposed to continue until around 3:30 a.m. – hoping for a good light show come dark!

I say; Inflate the tires, we may have to float ourselves outta here!
If we disappear off the grid, I imagine it will be because we are floating away on a newly made river . . .

No worries!

(Random pic I found on the internet - fitting! - Only I'll be holding a wine glass
and my legs are not hairy!) 


  1. Wow - what can I say. Sounds like your RV is pretty strong. Also, glad to know that they are not your feet.

    Hope Mark is feeling better.

    1. Can you imagine those being my feet? I'd be condemned to work boots my whole life! Yes Mark is better. We are running from storms. Will post again soon!
