Sunday, August 3, 2014

Family Reunion ~ Party of four please!

Oh my head. I think I misplaced it. I must say, I have become much less organized now that I am living all over the place. It is harder to keep track of what day of the week it is, much less the date.

We thought the reunion with my brother Chuck and his family, was scheduled for the first weekend of August. Well . . .

It appears there were two emails floating around; one group email listing August 9th and then a personal email listing the first weekend in August.  Unfortunately I picked the wrong email to look up when we made our RV site reservations. Bummer. Big Bummer!

All was not lost. Even though we missed the family reunion, which will go on as planned on the 9th, we were fortunate to catch my brother, Chuck, and his wife, Maureen just returning from a camping trip and they were able to meet up with us at a nearby restaurant for lunch. For that I am truly grateful.

Not only have I become a bit scattered living on the go, I am not adapting well to not having access to my hairdresser.

Cheri I miss you!!!

AND, my nails look like a boys. I suck at painting my own toenails. Eyebrows, hair cuts and colors, manicures, pedicures; I don't know how to do this stuff on my own and I don't want to go to strangers. I want my own hand-picked posse; my girls I've been working with for years. (big pout)

Feeling very frumpy nowadays. Must work all this out. There are a lot of things you don't think about, little details that turn into big deals when you are not stationed in one area. Lots of adjustments. Not all are bad.

Just had a wonderful afternoon/evening with our dear friends, Cai and Marty. (Darn, we forgot to take a group photo!). One of the biggest perks of  having your house on wheels is being able to visit with friends and family. No packing involved. No planes to catch.  It is such an odd, yet wonderful feeling to bring your house with you on all of your travels!

Exhausted, even from only a few hours of travel, our friends brought dinner to us. We enjoyed, not only their great company, and delicious take-outs, but one of those fun, roving my opinion, those are best kind...meandering from topic to topic to topic! Didn't realize how tired I really was until they left. I miss them already!

Very short post tonight. We are at Lake Sawyer RV Park in Kent, Washington for the night. Tomorrow is another travel day. We need to be packed up and out of here by 11am. Sounds easy, except I know my body will want to sleep in until noon. Mind over matter. Or is it I mind, but it don't matter. Uhlk.

BUT, once we arrive at our next destination in Issaquah, we get to stay put for nearly two whole weeks! Longest stint yet in one spot. Looking forward to that!

Cheri, (my hairdresser friend) I may have to cheat on you. . .October is a looooooooong ways away. But I still love you and will get back to you as soon as I can!

Good night all! Sweet dreams!

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