Saturday, August 16, 2014

Food, food, games, more food . . . Damn mannequin

We are coming to the end of our stay in Western Washington. 
When we arrived, everything was perfect. I met my first grand-dog, Zack. 
He’s such a love bug!
The weather I reserved, did not disappoint. I guess it does help to phone ahead. (wink) We stayed at Snoqualmie River RV Park and Campground. 

Our first excursion was to the North Bend Food and Crafts fair.
Josh and the lovely, soon to be, Mrs, ~ Monica
We ate food that tasted soooo good going in, but left regrets later on. Why does fried food taste so good? Don't really want the answer to that. More of a mental fist to the skies question.
At the show, we rummaged through tie-dyed clothing, crystal jewelry and hemp products. Came home with some Elderberry White Balsamic Vinegar. Sweet!
We have taste tested food from several (okay a little more than several) of the local establishments. Who knew you could find good Mexican food outside of California?!
Monica spoiled me with very yummy gluten-free carrot cupcakes with a crunchy cookie top and cream cheese frosting. I have a freezer full…about a months worth; should last, what, a week or so? 

We cruised Alki Beach. Found some good fish and chips (and clam strips!) 

Bought Cotye a raincoat that is fleece lined. (How did I know he’d need this in the near future? Oh duh, I used to live here.)
I am getting ill thinking of all the food we ingested this past week or so...If I hear anyone say anything about "avoiding the elephant in the room" - I am going to be more than a little paranoid that they aren't using a euphemism!

Back to the beauty that is Alki and Seattle on a sunny day.

We squeaked through teeny-tiny roads…
...(thank God we weren't in the RV)...

…to get to jam-packed freeways. 

Fortunately we were heading the opposite direction of the cars that were parked with their engines running ...

We saw a new (to us) Seattle landmark.
(The toad in the foreground is of course, the air-freshener for THE TOAD)

Spent an afternoon at the Ballard Locks where we saw BIG boats… 

…MEDIUM boats…

…and the tiniest of boats with the tiniest of passengers. Look closely.

After the boats were lifted to the lake level, we found some green grass for our 4-legged boys to, well, shake a leg on.

Seattle was bursting with beautiful, vivid colors!


When we weren't sight-seeing, Monica and I went in for pedi’s with sparkles.
Forgot to get a pic of our sparkles gosh darn it!

Then, I found a hair salon around the corner from the RV park 
and got my hair all cut short!

When both Josh and Monica were working, Mark and I hit the nearby outlet mall, while the outlet mall retaliated by a hit to the credit card.
You know, I think the beautiful, mountainous surroundings have a relaxing effect on shoppers. I noticed it was much less painful for Mark to open his wallet than in crowded, indoor malls with no scenic views.

I also got a chance to visit with my Auntie Mayme who is 102 and going strong. She amazes me.

Back at the RV we spent time by the fire. 
This is how the Randall’s scorch their marshmallows…and yes, the yellow is pure flame!

Upside; melts the chocolate in the S'mores mighty fast.
Downside; can remove top layer of skin off tongue if you get too anxious to eat your flaming S'more!

We played cards…even Zack had to laugh at all the 12’s his mommy was collecting.

The dogs had a go as well, but got bored when they realized
 we wouldn't let them eat the cards.
After about a week of fun, a storm rolled in and the barometer did not play nice with my body. It never does. I have been flat out like a mannequin ever since the weather turned. I’d make a sad face, but it hurts to grimace. 
Must be time to move on! Ha, that’s funny, since I can’t move! Ha Ha, wait, laughing hurts too, and none of this is funny.
We bug out tomorrow. Hoping this damn disease is less finicky in the next town. Damn, did I just say damn? Never mind. Just turn the damn page. sigh


  1. I want your life Ivah Lol...looks like you and the hubby are having the time of your lives!...Really enjoy reading about all of your adventures. Happy trails and see you soon (well you know what I mean) :D

    1. Ah Carole, I am honored to have you as a follower. Hope to have many, many more adventures to come!

  2. Hope a little rest gets you on your feet and enable you to enjoy life!

    1. Depends on what you mean by "a little" . . . (chuckle-chuckle) - but seriously, I just need a nap with no alarm clock and I spring back to life, like a Jack-in-the-box. xo
