Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Honey Wagon

Today was an exciting day in the Randall RV. Mark was up early with the blinds all open. He was watching for the Honey Wagon. 
I’m sure some of you know what a Honey Pot is . . . it’s a ‘sweet’ name (pun totally intended) for a portable toilet.
Now the Honey Wagon . . . let’s see, what is the easiest way to describe this? It is like a Dog Walker, only replace the dog with an RV and the walking with a suction hose. This thing comes around and literally sucks the crap out of your RV.
I wonder what this guy says when people ask him what he does for a living? I think I’d go with RV Walker.
It was amazing to see men flocking around this thing as it went from RV to RV. The Honey Wagon attracts men, like poo attracts flies. Same way as an open hood on a car does. 
That is a good way to attract men, by the way, if you are a single lady. Pull into a parking lot and lift your hood. Men can't resist it. Doesn't work on doctors or lawyers though . . . they are typically clueless as to what is under their hood.
Well the excitement is over. The RV's have all had their enemas and the men have all retreated back to their own rigs. Must be nap time. I'll go along with that!


  1. This was very interesting to say the least. Honey Wagon 101. Learned something today.

    1. Then I did my job. You can store it in the back aisle of your memory bank, along with Trigonometry 101.

    2. As I was scrolling your intro caught my eye - 'entering a sweet spot in your lives ....' rof lol

    3. Nice . . . crappola. Yep. That about sums it up! lol
