Saturday, January 17, 2015


Mark is in Colorado. The cargo trailer is hooked up to the truck and the guys are on their way back to Mesa. Meanwhile, back at the Tumbleweed (RV), Cotye and I spent our first night home alone.
Things went pretty good.  Cotye, who NEVER barks, decided to show off his vocals last night when the neighbor shut their car door next to our rig and I about fell off the couch. I guess that was a good thing, not the falling off the couch part, but the ferocious bark part. Two reasons; now I know I have a VERY strong heart, and secondly; I found out that Cotye is very protective while Mark is away.
Mark (a.k.a. daddy) is the one that usually takes Cotye on his looooong walks. So when he and I headed out for the first time, it was so cute to see him prance at the slowest pace possible cuz mommy’s knees go slow. He kept looking back at me with a huge smile on his face. I couldn't tell if he was laughing at me, or enjoying my company. Either way, he is just so dog-gone sweet.
When daddy walks him, they use a path on the outside of the RV park and walk a long, long ways. Well, mom can't walk long distances AND mom likes the safety of being inside the RV Park. So, instead I take him to the dog park. 
I think a dog designed this dog park. There are trees everywhere, some of them have tennis balls stuffed inside their tree knots for the dogs to find. There are loops and ramps and houses and, of course, fire hydrants; all kinds of fun things any dog would love. Green green grass, in Arizona, is like gold! Lots of room to roam, plus a small dog and a large dog water fountain! Frisbees are tucked into Doggy Parking signs. So much fun, even for the two-legged people on the other end of the leashes!
It took a few tries, but I finally got Cotye to go up on the ramp. I had to do it first to show him it was okay.

Hee Hee Hee
I love this picture. He got up on the tippy-top of the ramp before he looked down. When he saw how high up he was,his eyes bugged out. You can see the whites of his eyes and I clicked the pic just before his jaw dropped! 
After the long walk to and from the park, plus all the playing we did, I wore him out and he wore my knees out, so he is napping and I am stretched out, icing the knees. 
Actually, a nap does sound nice. I might even get some sleep without Mighty Mark walking around “rocking the boat”.  <wink>


  1. Looks like a nice green dogie park. Nice.

  2. I took a lot of pics but it was midday sun so they didn't turn out well. It was like it was designed by a dog! <3
