Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our Second Car is a WHAT?

So, today it was 63-degrees F outside and we are freezing.  Driving thru the RV Park, we were amazed to see people stripped down to shorts and tank tops, splayed out like fishes drying in the sun.

We were wearing long pants, jackets and had our seat warmers on!  And it wasn't just us. This is Cotye’s take on the weather.
From what Joy, (one of my sister-in-laws) advised me, these are probably Minnesotans and they are not tanning, but thawing out! I guess that makes sense.
So, today we bought our second car.  Here is a picture:
Yes, it is just a baby. Maybe it will grow into a 4-seater someday. Second car; a golf cart. I guess I should have seen that coming. Then again I should have seen the gray hair onset too, but it still slays me.
Tomorrow we head to Mesa where we (Cotye and I) will stay at an RV park close to Mark’s Mom’s. Then, Mark and Lyle, (step-dad) will take their truck to Colorado to pick up Hercules (our cargo trailer) and bring it back to Tucson. Christmas! I have no idea what we kept, other than our bed, smart TV and Christmas ornaments.
Cotye and I will have 3 nights/4 days together alone. Late nights and hopefully late mornings; if not, I hope Cotye doesn’t mind being walked with me in my jammies…
Cotye, I promise to leave my lingerie in the drawer and wear my cutest jammies sets. Wait, do I still own lingerie? Never mind.
I gotta tell you, no offense to the husband, but I am REALLY looking forward to alone time. After almost a year of residing in these tiny quarters together . . . you have no idea.
Well, I suppose I should post this and head to bed. Tomorrow being a “bug out” day, we all need our rest.
Talk to you soon!

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