Saturday, January 10, 2015


Here comes another adventure and I am so excited to . . . oh, enough with the formalities,
Yes, I know I am repeating myself but I have been holding this inside until all the inspections and appraisals went through….and now I can finally let loose and shout it from the roof of the Tumbleweed! Well, I might get shot at if I do that, so sticking with screaming out the window until it at least gets dark out. teeheehee 
This is why I have been slacking on the blog! We have spent hours and hours, and weeks and weeks, and months and - well just two months. But it has been an exhausting and disappointing process, until we walked into THE ONE.
Looks like the move-in date will be mid-February. So we are off to Mesa, where Cotye and I will stay with the Tumbleweed, close to Mom R., then Mark and Lyle will head to Colorado to pick-up Hercules (the cargo trailer) using their truck to tow him. It will be like Christmas opening that thing up. I have no idea what we kept!
When the guys get back, two of my sister-in-laws are flying into town, so with them, Mom R. and possibly two of the aunts, we’re heading to Tubac for their big arts festival for a few days! I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun pics to share from that trip! That is almost as exciting as buying the house!
We may or may not sell the RV - possibly get a “fun-size” one for travel, instead of this “biggie-size” one for living in. We will still be seasonal travelers, however, May - September.  So the blog will live on. And when we aren't traveling, I am sure we’ll have plenty of adventures to share while in the “Saddle” (nickname for the new neighborhood).
We are moving into a golf community. The house has a 2 car garage, plus a cute little golf cart garage to match. We are located on a corner lot that is directly kitty-corner from the golf cart access road, right off the first hole. While Mark is putzing with his golfing, I will be taking art classes; all kinds – It is like living AT the country club! Exercise facilities and sports courts, pools galore – and beautiful restaurants and facilities. Too many amenities to mention.
The house is all beige inside. I’ll post pics after we get the keys. For now, I’ll just give you a little taste of the color schemes I am pondering upon for specific areas of the house.
Living Room Color Palette

Color palette for the powder room across from the bar.

Master Suite color palette

Color palette for the Guest Suite

And no cookie-cutter furniture this time around; we plan on hitting estate sales, flea markets, art shows – even refurbish some pieces if we find some good ‘bones’ to work with. It will be a fun process and I will share it with you every step of the way, from the before until the after. And then we will all sit back with a glass of champagne, breathe a collective sigh, and toast to a job well done, OR . . . instead of champagne, we'll pour a stiff one and toast to a job that needs to be re-done - by a professional! God forbid!!!


  1. So happy for you and Mark to find such a nice place to live. Looking forward to seeing pictures. You didn't say what town and state.

    1. Sorry! Tucson, Arizona! I guess I was so excited I left out a few details! lol

  2. CONGRATS! Very exciting news. Can't wait to see pictures.

  3. Well done! Always exciting to buy a new place!

    1. I have always found it stressful because our moves have always be work related, Mark being transferred and us trying to rush and find a place, in a town we wouldn't necessarily have chosen on our own. But this time is different. We are moving to a place we fell in love with . . . Everything else will build around that...and THAT is a good feeling!
