Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Amish - Pig Wrestling - My Biggest Catch Ever - Scaring the Storms Away

Heading to our next destination, I was delighted to have my first ever sighting of an Amish horse and buggy.  So excited, I did not think to snap a picture until they had rounded the corner and were out of sight. It was a covered buggy, just like in the movies! (And as illustrated on this sign).

The second sighting was an open buggy.  Mark told me they do not like to have their pictures taken, so I snapped one from behind.

As we passed, I looked closely, expecting a gentleman with a long beard, all dressed in black with a black top hat. Instead it was a young man dressed in a stylish plaid dress shirt, with a straw hat like you would see Bob Hope wear. He had his head down, so I knew he was avoiding eye contact, but I could not make my eyes look away. I know I had a HUGE smile on my face because I could feel the happiness exploding inside me. Then suddenly, his head still down, he turned slightly in my direction and gave me the sweetest smile. I thought I’d die. <happy sigh>

As we entered the town where our next destination was located, Benson’s Campground, just outside of Dundee, WI, we noticed some interesting signage.

Pig wrestling? Really? Had we had made a wrong turn? Were we still in Wisconsin?

As we drove through the campground to find our site, we could hear a banjo playing.  Yep, we must have made a wrong turn.
And lucky us, our site was right next to the huge group of banjo playing, loud partying, fighting, whisky drinking folk.

But hey, no thunder and lightning!

The next day Mark went to a funeral for a college friend. I was sick so I stayed behind.

I happened to look out the window, and one of the teens from that large group camping next to us, had broken loose from his fellow campers and was heading my way. Looked like he was having fits or something; all I could think of was he must be on drugs. He was flailing his arms in the air, fighting invisible demons – then he broke out into a full on kicking and punching fit.

I locked my door.

About an hour later I took Cotye out for potties. Within 3 minutes, I was swinging and slapping at the air myself, and Cotye joined right in, spinning in circles and biting at the air too!

That kid wasn’t having fits - He was defending himself.
Damn deer flies; they are worse than mosquito’s!
The following day was the 20th and my birthday. I was still feeling blah, but we bugged out and headed to the Wisconsin Dells. 

Too woozy for a boat tour, zip-lining, and water park - we instead drove around and saw the sights. If you love outdoor action (and don’t mind a gazillion tourists) this is a good place to come.

Even though I was sick, I still managed to get a bit of fishing in. Biggest fish I ever caught!

Mark was surprisingly NOT jealous of my catch (he usually is!)…he even indulged me with a photo. After all, it was my birthday.

As we headed back to the RV, the sky was black above us and very threatening. But I think, after all these storms that have been chasing us this trip, I finally have the answer:


Back at the RV, I stood outside and waved my fists at the sky, screeching out a few threats of my own!

Not only did the storm pass by us on the right, but the neighbors all went inside and the entire campground was quiet all night!

Today we are heading to Dresser, WI where we are spending the night on the property of family. They even have a 30-amp hook-up awaiting us.  Looking forward to spending time with Dan, Keri, Ray and Dorothy where good food and laughter are always in abundance!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Paparazzi?, the Dock Boy, and Mourning for the Death of a Stranger on the way to a Funeral for a Friend...

Went to bed last night with no rain in sight for the first time in what seemed like ages. We were in Black River Falls, WI. The skies were blue, air still thick and every rig had at least two ATV’s parked at their site. Us; we had a Toad.

3 a.m. We awoke to heavy, no, I mean a HEAVY downpour of rain. If it hadn’t been for what sounded like bombs blasting all around us, I would have sworn there were at least 100 paparazzi outside, their flashbulbs flashing continually.

Cotye jumped up between us on the bed, although there wasn’t a lot of room between us as I had practically landed on Mark with the first boom-boom-pow.

We opened the blinds and could not see a single lightning bolt, but the flashing was endless. I know there were strikes all around us as you could hear them hit. The thunder was also a constant loud rumble and roar, with an occasional boom that hit so hard the RV shook at the impact, or possibly in fear!

I asked Mark if we should head out. He said he’d like to but he wasn’t going out there to unplug the electricity. Then he asked if I would! Lol – We survived. Eventually Cotye hopped back down to his bed. In the morning he was STILL in bed when we had finished packing up to head out again.

And here he is an hour into our drive:

It was a long night for the little guy.

Our 21st anniversary was on the 16th. We ended up at Bar Harbor for a great meal.

After dinner, we moved outside by the fire pit to enjoy the scenery and a cocktail.  A dock boy for the restaurant, named Ethan, was waiting for his father to finish his shift inside, so we sat and talked with him.  He was a delight.  So if you happen to be at Gull Lake in Nisswa, MN, and come to the restaurant via boat, watch for this guy:

I’m sure he’d enjoy a good tip too! <wink-wink>

Back on the road again, we are sitting in traffic due to an accident ahead. The A/C won’t work without the engine revving, so we have our windows open in an attempt to suck some actual oxygen out of the liquid air they call humidity. I really think if I stay much longer, I shall grow gills!

The Tumbleweed has become a sauna on wheels. Blah.

Such a small thing to complain about. Just came across the accident that has traffic backed up for miles. Looks like the driver of one of the cars did not make it. Saying a prayer for his family. . . 

That's all for now. Reporting from the Tumbleweed and Toad en route to Plymouth, Wisconsin.

Friday, July 17, 2015

(To the tune of Rocket Man )

Ground Control to Ivah Rae
Ground Control to Ivah Rae
Use your bug spray and please put your clothes back on!

Ground Control to Ivah Rae (10, 9, 8, 7, 6)
Keep those bugs out, shut the door (5, 4, 3)
Check you’re A/C and may God's love be with you (2, 1 . . .Liftoff)

This is Ground Control to Ivah Rae

The storm has briefly cleared.

Now it's time to leave the RV if you dare.

"This is Ivah Rae to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door and

the bugs are biting in the most peculiar place

The air’s so thick I need a scuba tank.

Here am I sitting in my tin can
my skin stuck to the couch.

I am hot and blue

with bug bites up my kazoo.

Though we drove one hundred thousand miles

This isn’t what I’d planned.
And I think my husband knows just how I feel”

Ground Control to Ivah Rae
You’re tuning out there’s something wrong.

Can you hear me, Ivah Rae?

Can you hear me, Ivah Rae?
Can you hear…

“...And I'm walking round my tin can
Nakey and still so hot.

Another storm’s moving through

And there's nothing I can do…"

Friday, July 10, 2015

Don't Bite Unless You're A Fish!

In the beginning, God created bugs. And THEN he created Minnesotan bugs. Minnesotan bugs love fresh meat; especially if it is imported from out of state.

I am a big hit. There were times I would be sitting in the tumbleweed and hear this noise, like someone was throwing pebbles at the window. Turning to look, I would find a gazillion, no...more than that…tiny little faces with big teeth and wings where ears should be, batting their little foreheads against the glass in a group effort to get at me.

Pull out Betty! Pull out! . . . You've hit an artery!

Fortunately, after being in this state for several weeks now, my imported meat scent must have worn off and I am now treated as a local by the man-eating-bugs.

We have been staying up north in an RV Park called Rager’s, located on Loon Lake. Listening to the loons has got to be the best natural sedative created. We are up on a bit of a hill overlooking the lake. There are steep, craggy stairs that take you down to the dock where Mark has his father’s fishing boat moored. It was purchased back in ’69 . . . all original bolts intact (so far).  I’ve never seen Mark happier. He loves fishing as much as I love snorkeling, something you won’t find me doing in these waters. Have you seen the teeth on a Northern? Yikes! (Does everything here bite?)

When we are not here at the RV Park, we are over at Denise and Bill’s beautiful cabin on Gull Lake. We’ve already had several couples up for weekend fun there; enjoyed the 4th of July watching fireworks from their dock; and tonight we are invited for a cocktail cruise at 4pm followed by dinner at the cabin. Yep, I think I could get used to this.

Haven’t been taking a lot of pics, but will try to get better at doing so, for the sake of the blog as well as memory keepsakes.

I hope your summer has been relaxing, yet fun.  And may any man-eating bugs that come your way, be old and toothless.

Talk to you soon!