Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Amish - Pig Wrestling - My Biggest Catch Ever - Scaring the Storms Away

Heading to our next destination, I was delighted to have my first ever sighting of an Amish horse and buggy.  So excited, I did not think to snap a picture until they had rounded the corner and were out of sight. It was a covered buggy, just like in the movies! (And as illustrated on this sign).

The second sighting was an open buggy.  Mark told me they do not like to have their pictures taken, so I snapped one from behind.

As we passed, I looked closely, expecting a gentleman with a long beard, all dressed in black with a black top hat. Instead it was a young man dressed in a stylish plaid dress shirt, with a straw hat like you would see Bob Hope wear. He had his head down, so I knew he was avoiding eye contact, but I could not make my eyes look away. I know I had a HUGE smile on my face because I could feel the happiness exploding inside me. Then suddenly, his head still down, he turned slightly in my direction and gave me the sweetest smile. I thought I’d die. <happy sigh>

As we entered the town where our next destination was located, Benson’s Campground, just outside of Dundee, WI, we noticed some interesting signage.

Pig wrestling? Really? Had we had made a wrong turn? Were we still in Wisconsin?

As we drove through the campground to find our site, we could hear a banjo playing.  Yep, we must have made a wrong turn.
And lucky us, our site was right next to the huge group of banjo playing, loud partying, fighting, whisky drinking folk.

But hey, no thunder and lightning!

The next day Mark went to a funeral for a college friend. I was sick so I stayed behind.

I happened to look out the window, and one of the teens from that large group camping next to us, had broken loose from his fellow campers and was heading my way. Looked like he was having fits or something; all I could think of was he must be on drugs. He was flailing his arms in the air, fighting invisible demons – then he broke out into a full on kicking and punching fit.

I locked my door.

About an hour later I took Cotye out for potties. Within 3 minutes, I was swinging and slapping at the air myself, and Cotye joined right in, spinning in circles and biting at the air too!

That kid wasn’t having fits - He was defending himself.
Damn deer flies; they are worse than mosquito’s!
The following day was the 20th and my birthday. I was still feeling blah, but we bugged out and headed to the Wisconsin Dells. 

Too woozy for a boat tour, zip-lining, and water park - we instead drove around and saw the sights. If you love outdoor action (and don’t mind a gazillion tourists) this is a good place to come.

Even though I was sick, I still managed to get a bit of fishing in. Biggest fish I ever caught!

Mark was surprisingly NOT jealous of my catch (he usually is!)…he even indulged me with a photo. After all, it was my birthday.

As we headed back to the RV, the sky was black above us and very threatening. But I think, after all these storms that have been chasing us this trip, I finally have the answer:


Back at the RV, I stood outside and waved my fists at the sky, screeching out a few threats of my own!

Not only did the storm pass by us on the right, but the neighbors all went inside and the entire campground was quiet all night!

Today we are heading to Dresser, WI where we are spending the night on the property of family. They even have a 30-amp hook-up awaiting us.  Looking forward to spending time with Dan, Keri, Ray and Dorothy where good food and laughter are always in abundance!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank Sharlene. Maybe I should read it too! I've been slapping this babies out as we're traveling down the road. Gotta love technology!
