Friday, July 10, 2015

Don't Bite Unless You're A Fish!

In the beginning, God created bugs. And THEN he created Minnesotan bugs. Minnesotan bugs love fresh meat; especially if it is imported from out of state.

I am a big hit. There were times I would be sitting in the tumbleweed and hear this noise, like someone was throwing pebbles at the window. Turning to look, I would find a gazillion, no...more than that…tiny little faces with big teeth and wings where ears should be, batting their little foreheads against the glass in a group effort to get at me.

Pull out Betty! Pull out! . . . You've hit an artery!

Fortunately, after being in this state for several weeks now, my imported meat scent must have worn off and I am now treated as a local by the man-eating-bugs.

We have been staying up north in an RV Park called Rager’s, located on Loon Lake. Listening to the loons has got to be the best natural sedative created. We are up on a bit of a hill overlooking the lake. There are steep, craggy stairs that take you down to the dock where Mark has his father’s fishing boat moored. It was purchased back in ’69 . . . all original bolts intact (so far).  I’ve never seen Mark happier. He loves fishing as much as I love snorkeling, something you won’t find me doing in these waters. Have you seen the teeth on a Northern? Yikes! (Does everything here bite?)

When we are not here at the RV Park, we are over at Denise and Bill’s beautiful cabin on Gull Lake. We’ve already had several couples up for weekend fun there; enjoyed the 4th of July watching fireworks from their dock; and tonight we are invited for a cocktail cruise at 4pm followed by dinner at the cabin. Yep, I think I could get used to this.

Haven’t been taking a lot of pics, but will try to get better at doing so, for the sake of the blog as well as memory keepsakes.

I hope your summer has been relaxing, yet fun.  And may any man-eating bugs that come your way, be old and toothless.

Talk to you soon!

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