Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Adorable Grands and the Naughty Gnome

Okay, I have just spent four glorious days with my grandchildren, but I shall not gush (they are adorable!) There is nothing worse than parents or grandparents who go on and on and on about their children/grandchildren. (Mine are absolute perfection)

The first day, as I already shared, was spent at the pool and playground at the RV Park in Valencia. 

Second day, more of the same, but add in some dice games and a trip to Chucky Cheese for dinner and video games. 



On one last walk prior to bed at the Valencia location, the children picked up some treasures they found by the dried creek bed.

                                        Scarlett's love hearts, dragon tooth,
                                          and metal tool
Parker's special rocks and leaves
Then yesterday we packed up, sucked in the RV walls and drove to the Escondido RV Park. 

Travel days are hard days, but fortunately we had a calm, and clever Co-Captain.

Scarlett and I rode on the sofa, all belted in, with our iPads. I showed her some older family photos and she showed me a fun new app called Pic Collage

I can seriously state that I have only found one slight challenge with each child.

The girl has hair as fine as an angel’s. It has been getting more tangled by the day. The mother would be horrified at my ineptness when it comes to brushing out the nests. I am sure the family will be traveling back to Australia with a live family of American squirrels. (Sorry Becci, I am really trying my best!)

Then there is the boy. It doesn't matter how much you put in his mouth, he is never full. This is not an exaggeration. He also has a built in alarm to let you know when the stomach is empty, rather like the beeping in your car when the gas is low. Tonight after raw veggies and dip, a big bowl of spaghetti, three pieces of garlic toast and a fruit Popsicle, it only took five minutes before the empty alarm was going off again. We have found the only way to stop this alarm is to have the boy brush his teeth and put the stomach to bed.

Us grandparents have decided to divide and conquer when it comes to bedtime. The boys take the sofa bed and the guest bathroom. The girls get the bedroom and the master bathroom. It works out great. Parker doesn't mind G-man's snoring, and G-man doesn't mind Parker's wiggling.

Scarlett and I simply put on our sleep masks, shut the sliding doors and sleep like princesses.

Today we had a very big day! We went to Lego Land and walked the whole park. We only did a few choice rides as we checked out the layout of the land to make our plans for the rest of the week. Tomorrow we shall hit the water park! You can feel the electricity of excitement in the air. There is sure to be a shock-wave in the pool tomorrow!

Sadly, our power strip got switched off last night by an anonymous naughty gnome. All of our gadgets, including phones, were useless today. i.e. no pics to share of Lego Land, YET, we still have four more days.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep the posts coming when I can. These two are keeping me on the run. Much better than any gym membership could! 


  1. What does Coyte think of the Adorable Grands?

    1. At first Cotye was excited, then when he figured out they weren't going home he got stressed, so extra attention had to be given to him by all. Now, if they go off without him, he sits in the window awaiting their return. He will be a very loney boy when they do go home.
