Friday, June 13, 2014

Planes, Trains and Skunks

I am starting to see a pattern here. So many RV Parks are located right next to a railroad track or an airport. The East Shore RV Park sits at the end of the runway for a tiny little airport that services tiny little planes that make really BIG noise. There is also a train track nearby, but you can’t hear it for the tiny loud planes! 

Cotye being forced to
pose for a pic, the
little skunk!
Not fond of the parking lot set up here either, still, there are a few nice features to this park; a nice grass area behind your RV for setting up chairs under shady trees. A lovely little lake, and at night, big fluffy skunks come out in droves!

The skunks don’t like to pose for pictures, so all I was able to capture were blurry ghost-like remnants that there had been a skunk in front of me seconds before. For being so big, it is amazing that they can disappear in an instant!

I have a theory. I believe that their bellies must be green like the grass and all they have to do is flip over onto their backs and they become stealth to the naked eye.  I joke not. There will be a skunk in the middle of a wide open grass area, then a car will come around the corner and when the lights flash on the grass, the skunk has vanished! Yep, green bellies. I am sure of it.

Today we pack up and head back to Castaic for 10 whole days. Laundry, swimming pools and a dog run. No planes, trains or skunks, just an occasional mountain lion or bear. 

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