Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Monkey and the Ballerina

Did you miss me? 
I've missed chatting with you because if we had been chatting, that would mean I was doing something worth chatting about!

Instead, we have spent the last week or so in the old 'hood, tying up some unfinished business. I had some doctor appointments I could not ignore. And lastly, we have been readying ourselves and the RV for the two weeks we will have the Grand kids to ourselves. We even got Cotye excited about his 'new friends'. 

Got up early so that we would be ready for the text telling us they were on their way, and then we all met up at the local I.H.O.P. for brekkies . . . whoops, let's back up a bit, shall we?

Asher, our oldest son, is married to Rebecca who happens to be an Aussie. They live in Melbourne with their two children, Scarlett (8) and Parker (5). Asher is head of the Arts and Technology Department at Waverly Christian College. He arranged for a group of 20 or so students to go on a missions trip to Mexico, as well as other CA locations. His wife joined the expedition as a chaperon. The whole group will be gone for two weeks. 

During that time they left the children with us. Then at the end of their mission trip, the school kids will fly back to Australia and, Asher and Becci will join us, along with Dorothy and Lyle (Mark's mom, her husband), and our youngest son, Joshua and his fiance, Monica, at the Happiest Place on Earth . . . for a full week at Disneyland. I have an ambulance on hold for the last day of the trip, if I make it that long!

Dear Melbourne; if you have lost a monkey, tail-less, blond hair, looks to be about 5 years of age, he is here in the RV, swinging from the chandeliers. Wait, we don't have chandeliers. He's just swinging from whatever he can get his hands on. 

They'll be tired, the parents said. They hardly got any sleep on the plane, the parents said. There'll be tears they are so tired, the parents said. Both kids are wide awake, giggling and show no sign whatsoever of wanting to even sit in one spot for longer than 5 minutes. I thought I heard wild laughter emitting from the parents van as they pealed out of the I.H.O.P. parking lot. We waved but the parents never looked back.

Well, at least we'll have something worth writing about now that the monkey and ballerina are here. Oh how I love them so.

Pictures to follow in tomorrow's post. I promise!


  1. Looking forward to hearing about your time with the kids and pictures. Have fun.

  2. What Fun! Grandies! The bestest thing on earth!
