Wednesday, July 16, 2014

(Hon, what river do we live on at the moment?)

Today is our Twentieth Wedding Anniversary!
Started things off a bit slow today. 
Just before we packed up to head out, I accidentally took my evening pills instead of my morning pills; slept the whole three hours from Lodi, CA to Red Bluff, CA.

I awoke to find our home sitting on and facing a river. 
('Hon, what river do we live on at the moment?')
 "Sacramento." Nice!

We are in site #100.

This is the Durango RV Resort, complete with Spa amenities
which, yep, we booked at the same time we booked our RV site. 

Nice dog runs, a doggie wash, well kept, plush grounds, tennis courts, and more. If you are not on a river site there are 'fountain sites' down the middle. 

 This place is a bit spendy, which may explain why the park is fairly empty and the rigs that surround us are all top-of-the-line beauties.

We just returned from 90 minute massages. I am a puddle of relaxation. Isn't it sad when a massage has to end?  Had to exit via a long flight of stairs when done. This was not an easy task with rubbery legs. I told the staff a slip-and-slide option for the recently-massaged would be a better idea, but I don’t think  they took me seriously. Um, I was totally serious.

Well, the Mr. went to pick up some restaurant take-outs. We are starved, all oiled up and rubbed down from the spa. Going out sounded, well ~ like a big hassle. So tonight we eat in. Relax. Drink lots of water.

Tomorrow we'll go out and hit the town, or is it paint the town? I am such a lump of clay at the moment, I can’t even figure out what generation I should be  speaking. Have a great evening! 

I know we will!


  1. The massages sounds wonderful. I've never had one done on me. I tried to get Paul to go with me and have one done on our cruise but he just will not have anything to do with it. Sounds like it totally relaxes you. You didn't mention the temperature there.

    Love your wedding picture.

  2. Ivah, I noticed that when I type something in this box and hit "Publish", it takes me to facebook to sign in. After I sign in my message is gone so I have to retype it. It never did that before.

  3. Do you have an e-mail address?

    1. Sharlene, I am not sure but it sounds like a Facebook issue. I do post these through Facebook and Pinterest but have not come across this problem before. I will send you a personal message on Facebook with my email address as well.
