Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Leashed to California . . . Breaking free, for a few months

We have had invisible forces working against us as we have tried and tried and tried to cut free from California. Finally, ignoring several “issues” we hit the road any way. Here is a visual of a couple minor set backs . . .


Me; complications from February knee surgery. Mark practically knocked himself out and bled all over everything when he hit his head on a sharp part of the sky. Ice pack wrapped in towel on bloody head does not deter him from chatting on the phone. Chatty chatty.

These are just inconveniences. There is still a bigger health issue tying me to my doctors...waiting for approval to leave town!

Whoa, good news! I just got a call from the doctor advising that I am cleared for travel. Especially good to know since we are already on the road!

Dear Northwest, we are headed your way!  A little later than planned, but we nomads aren't concerned with dates and times, right? Wouldn't that be ideal.
However, doctors don’t play by nomad rules.  I have to be back in Santa Clarita in October. Therefore, we have to cancel our plans to spend the winter in Florida. 

Hey, if that's the worse news that comes out of all this, I'm good with it! Florida isn't going anywhere. We, on the other hand, will find some other places to explore.

And...I realized that I have been skimping on pictures. Here is our site (#185) at the Anaheim Harbor RV Park, poolside.

And as promised, the best view of Disneyland’s nightly fireworks I've ever seen.


Not really a dog park there though, they share the grassy area designated for the children’s playground area. Poor kids! Even if the doggies are picked up after, there is sure to be residual messies left behind for kids playing on the grass. Ew.

I am going to start making notes on each RV Park we visit; listing the best features and site numbers to reserve. With my memory getting 'full' it will make for a good reference later on if we wish to revisit sites or refer friends, or for you readers if you should cross a path we once traveled.

When we stay in Valencia, we like the Valencia Travel Village RV Park. Anything on row A faces the pool, and is near the store and laundromat. The lower the number the better, i.e. A1, A2, and so on. They are also pull-through sites, which we like best.

Today we pulled into Flag City RV Park in Lodi, CA. Haven’t had a chance to investigate the place yet so updates tomorrow...although maybe not. We are only staying the one night. Not sure how much time we’ll have before we head out in the morning with tomorrow being our 20th Anniversary! Seems impossible since I'm only 38. Mark really robbed the cradle!

We have reservations at an upscale RV resort and spa, with appointments set for a 90 minute couples massages upon arrival. Yeah baby!

As I have mentioned nearly every travel day, they are exhausting. Plus after dinner I baked a cake. Why? Because. Now if I don't go crawl into bed, I shall pass out on the sofa. 

I will log off with a few pictures of the younger loved ones enjoying their California vacations. (Had to steal a few photos from family as I lent out my phone so we could all keep in touch while in Disneyland).

Scarkett, Lightening McQueen, Parker
The car talks...it IS alive!

Parker chillin' California style

Josh and the soon to be Mrs. Monica Randall

Becci, Asher, Scarlett and Parker


  1. What an adventure. So glad you're sharing it with us.

    1. I love sharing. Hoping to get into a rhythm with a bit of consistency. (Alright, who is that laughing. I can hear you. All of you!)

  2. Asher sure looks like his Grandpa Asher. Amazing. Take care of yourselves; you need to enjoy your trip.

    1. Yes he does. Just as nutty too. And we will enjoy our trip even if in full body casts! There is humor in everything . . . it may need some time to pass, but eventually you can laugh at anything. Except stubbed toes and mosquitoes. Those are both just plain annoying. And notice how they both end in the same letters? Hmm...

  3. Replies
    1. Family times are the best! Exhausting, challenging, thrilling; almost like climbing Mt. Rainier but with a better chance of coming out alive!
