Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Sound of Silence

Has it really been six days since I blogged? I am literally hanging my head in shame as I type. I do have a good excuse, really I do. I have been held hostage by two small children; four medium-sized young adults; three Senior Citizens; a dog and a Mouse (M-i-c-k-e-y).  Not complaining. No time. No time for breathing much either. But it’s all good. Oh who am I kidding…it’s like a sitcom family Thanksgiving get-together. (She says with a wink and a smile)

At the moment I am sitting in the RV and the silence is deafening. It is kind of scary actually, somewhere there are nine people very close by and yet there is no noise. Did the rapture come? Did I get left behind? I now understand the phrase “the sound of silence”.  

Best not to investigate. If it was the rapture and I am still here, I'd rather not know. Or if I peek outside, and they are nearby, someone is sure to notice me and there goes my stolen moment alone to post. 

This week we are staying at the Anaheim Harbor RV Park and in my opinion we have the best site in the park (#185). We have a nice grassy lawn and then the pool right outside our front door. PLUS Disneyland's nightly fireworks take place right above our heads. We have a better view of them here than if we were standing in the park itself!

I think I have seen more fireworks this trip than in my entire life totaled up. Lobster and Fireworks, two things I could never tire of. (Strange combo; I just visualized a lobster exploding mid-air and it wasn't pretty!)

Time is flying by much faster than seems possible. Josh & Monica, Nana & Lyle all leave on Thursday. Then Asher and his family will leave on Saturday. 

Thinking maybe I should record an hour of random family time today, just to play after everyone has left. The sound of silence can be soothing but it can also be a very lonely thing.

Oops, they found me. I will post pics in a couple days. Apparently we are about to watch "Frozen". 


  1. You'd miss me more if I could actually get out of the State of California! LOL
    Sunday we leave Anaheim and then I have to go BACK to Valencia. Those darn doctors just can't get enough of me, what's a gal to do. They love me. (wink)
