Friday, July 18, 2014

WEED the People

Good-Bye Red Bluff, California. On our way out of town, we looked everywhere for a ‘red bluff', or a sign that there had once been a red bluff in the area - Nothing! Yeah, they bluffed us alright! 
I got on the internet to see how Red Bluff got its name, but couldn't find a hint or a clue. Oh bother. 

Short trip today as we head to a little town named Weed. Hey, l wonder if the people who named the town of Red Bluff had recently come from a visit to Weed just prior to naming their town? Just a thought. 

Meanwhile, here are a few fun facts about Weed. (Heehee, not that weed!)
Weed, California
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Weed is a city located in Siskiyou County, California, United States. As of the 2010 Census, the town had a total population of 2,967, down from 2,979 in 2000 . . .Weed is about 10 miles (16 km) west-northwest of Mount Shasta, a prominent northern California landmark, and the second-tallest volcano in the Cascade Range.
Weed's city motto is "Weed like to welcome you". It has frequently been noted on lists of unusual place names.


Notable residents

·         Mario Pastega (1916-2012), businessman and philanthropist, born in Weed.[33]
·         Pamela Courson (1946-1974), long-term companion of Jim Morrison, vocalist of The Doors, born in Weed.
·         Aaron Thomas (1937–present), NFL player, tight end for San Francisco 49ers and New York Giants, grew up in Weed, and graduated from Weed High School.

In popular culture

Weed is mentioned in John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men (first published 1937) as being the town that George Milton and Lennie Small are fleeing from at the beginning of the book.
In the WWDC 2014 Keynote, Apple Inc. engineering executive Craig Federighi displayed a map of locations in California that Apple could name its OS X desktop after, and Weed was joked as a location.
Ha, I feel like I'm back in school, writing a book report. I was stunned to see Mt. Shasta; the snow is so sparse it is nearly unrecognizable.
I grew up drinking Shasta soda, so the image of the snow topped mountain is very familiar to me.

Apparently they no longer have that image of the mountain on their cans . . . which I guess was a good marketing move for them if Mt. Shasta turns out to be a tropical destination!
The little town of Weed has an adorable walk-back-in time setting. The locals appear to have fun with the name of their town, as seen on billboards and names of businesses. One of my favorites was GRASS AUTO MECHANICS . . . (they veered just slightly from the obvious, and this made me chuckle.)
Here are a few pictures from our drive from "No Red Bluffs In Sight", CA.

A Rainbow of Trucks


                     50's style Motel & Cafe              Craggy Rocks

 We are currently tucked into our site for the night at The Friendly RV Park here in Weed. It is an odd little place. Empty at the moment but the owner says it fills up fast in the evenings, being right off the freeway. We'll see. 

We are both pretty tired tonight so hoping the "late check-ins" are 
not loud party-ers! Wow, we really are old, aren't we? 
We even ate dinner at 4:30 p.m. today! Sheesh!


  1. First of all, Happy Birthday to the birthday girl. Hope it is a fun day for you. Weed sounds like an interesting city. Will you be there long?

    1. Oh dear, how did I miss this post? Thanks for the birthday wishes!
      As for Weed, or any other town, we plan to keep moving, with our longest stay being two weeks in Issaquah near our youngest son starting Monday 8-4, after that we are heading to Utah to do some sightseeing with friends from Minnesota. I am very excited. Utah is one of my favorite States!
