Monday, April 21, 2014

Fight crabbiness with crab!

Today was supposed to be the big “move in” day for the RV. We set out with excited anticipation as we picked it up from storage and headed to the local RV Park. The spot we reserved was a good size and next to a nice shade tree. We pulled in, parked, then Mark pushed the button for the automatic levelers to do their thing and nothing happened. Frustrated, we left our lovely site and drove to a Camping World a couple of towns away. After a two hour wait, it turned out to be a simple fix; loose wire. No charge. And the guy showed Mark how to fix it should it come unplugged again.

Even though this was a big chunk of time out of our day, it worked out okay. Tomorrow is Mark’s birthday, and with our schedule being so crazy, it had been impossible to sneak away and pick up his birthday prezzie; a fold up bike for the RV. Serendipity… they just happened to sell those types of bikes at Camping World! Mark got to pick out his own bike. Yay! Too bad they didn't sell birthday cards as well. I could have had him pick that out too!

By the time we got the rig back to the RV Park and got everything all hooked up, we realized we hadn't eaten all day. Once again, we left the Park almost as soon as we had arrived, this time in the Toad, and headed home to eat.

Eventually, we made it back to the RV to work on the piles and piles of 'stuff' that had been thrown in, all willy-nillie over the past few weeks. Starting our work at the time we had planned on being finished, has put us a day behind schedule.

Mark added pantry shelves while I dove into one of the piles. When he finished the shelving, he literally had to rescue me as the pile had begun to swallow me whole and I was really stuck. Feeling crabby and frustrated, we headed home for the night.

Tomorrow we will divide and concur. In the morning, Mark will drop Cotye and I off at the RV, then return home to meet with the pool guy and a couple of inspectors with regard to the house sale. As for Mark’s birthday, I’m thinking we need to go out for some fresh crab.

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