Saturday, April 19, 2014

Out on a limb?

The company that is doing the sale of our household items has laid everything out on tables they provided. Plus, in the kitchen, every counter top, as well as the center island are completely covered. Cupboards and drawers are taped shut to show they are empty.

The pantry and our bedroom are the only two rooms in the house that contain items we will be keeping, to either pack for storage or take on our trek.

This makes cooking a bit tricky as old habits die hard. Time after time, after time . . . I reach for a cupboard or drawer, only to be stopped by the sight of bright blue tape . . . I groan, do a mental head slap, turn around and 5 seconds later reach for the same drawer!  I’m thinking take-outs or take me out. I’m done!

I am also finding it difficult to walk by my stuff, some of which I have collected for over 30 years, and not keep taking things back off the sales tables. However, I am resolved to get rid of everything I have not used in over a year. I have been told I will feel liberated once this is over.  I don’t know – no home and no stuff? I’ll be honest; this is a little bit scary. Still, why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is!


  1. I really look forward to the "Adventures of Tumblewed and Toad" AKA Ivah & Mark.

    1. It's been an adventure just getting out of our house and into the rig! Now I say, let the REAL adventures begin . . . in a week or so, we have to stick around to sign the final papers. < sigh >
