Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No toy left behind!

I am choosing to focus on the positive. We are alive. We are still finding things to laugh about, even if it is mostly each other. Actually, in my opinion, laughter is to marriage as water is to a plant. Plus we are making progress! Yay! It may slow, but it is still progress. We also devised a back-up plan in case we run out of time, and this has done wonders to lift that electrifying stress that was making our hair stand on end. (Well, one of us doesn’t have hair on top to stand up, but I won’t mention names).

Cotye is being a good sport about us spending so much time on the move. He’s such a smart boy. I think he gets what is going on. He has taken all of his favorite toys from his toy box and placed them all around his bed – I am guessing he wants them where he can keep an eye on them, no toy left behind! Funny little guy.

I love this time of evening, where even though our bodies are spent, we get to lie back on our comfy, adjustable bed with a glass of wine and chill in front of our Smart TV. The luxury bed and TV will be packed away come Friday, so it is a bittersweet comfort we don’t take lightly. Yet it is just “stuff”.

We have been pretty spoiled with a beautiful home, pool, outdoor entertainment area with bar, built in gas BBQ, fridge, plus fire pit – lots of extra bedrooms for family and friends to visit. So many, many happy memories were made here. I consider it one of the most beautiful stages in our lives, yet we are SO ready to let go and start the next stage; a stage with minimal “stuff” and a low maintenance lifestyle.                                                                             

I am also very excited to journal this next stage here on-line where we can share our adventures with family and friends. Looking forward to fun stories, unique towns, lots of pictures and hopefully plenty of new characters to add to this tapestry that is our life.


  1. Love the posts Ivah. You're a very talented writer.

    1. Shirley you are too kind. But please, you were saying?

  2. I love your blog. Looking forward to reading it. Take care you guys.

    1. Thanks Sharlene! I look forward to keeping a journal of our trip. It will come in handy as my memory leaves me. I look forward to keeping a journal of our trip. It will come in handy as my memory leaves me. < wink >
