Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hi, my name is Cotye.

Hi, my name is Cotye. I rescued my mom and dad last October.  They’re still learning my name, but that’s okay. Mom calls me all kinds of things like “snuggle bug”, “baby love”, “munchkin”, “doodle butt”… way too many names to list. I smile politely and let it slide. I think she’s getting old. And Daddy thinks my name is “Get”; “Get over here”, “Get off of that”, “Get outta the way", but he mostly calls me, “Get down”! He barks a lot but he doesn’t bite.

They’ve been real busy lately, so they haven’t had time to play much. Mom keeps telling me that she, daddy and I are the three musket ears and we’re going on a big ant venture. I’m not sure what that means, but there is a lot of packing involved.

Recently we went on a trip in a really big kennel-on-wheels that mommy and daddy sleep in with me (they call it the 'our vee'). Daddy steered our vee down the road and they let me sit up front so I could watch out the window. It was so fun! Finally when they found a place to stop, they pushed a button and our vee got really big. Then we went on lots of walks. There were so many new scents to follow! I wanted to walk all the time, but when it got dark, mom and dad said I could only walk if I had to do potties. I was really embarrassed when dad first stopped and picked up my poos, and put it in a bag, AND in front of strangers! What the heck!!!!  But then when I saw that all the other dogs had their owners trained to do the same thing, I was  pretty proud. I didn’t have to train my parents at all. They came trained! I don’t understand why they bothered to pick it up though, they didn’t even keep it! They tossed it in a big bin right away. Maybe the park owners collect it.

Mom and dad say our vee will be our new home. Can you imagine? I’ll never have to pee on the same tree twice, ever again! I’m a lucky dog.

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