Saturday, October 25, 2014

Do you hear whistling? or Yoko-cicada ran off with the band . . .

Hello from Usery Regional Park, just outside of Mesa, Arizona.  There has not been a whole lot going on since our last post. Our great adventure has had a very dull beginning. It seems the only RV Parks with sewage hook-ups in Arizona, are either parking lots or mobile home parks in the center of Any-City Metropolis. 
This was our view this morning - yawn . . .

 And this is our view this evening - Oh so much better!

Okay, so we don’t have a sewage hook-up. But we are surrounded by nature, we can hold it in for a few days! Not really. But we will be using paper plates while here, no washing dishes. <big smile>
On our way to Mesa, our first stop was Yuma. We stayed several days and never could figure out what the draw to this place is.
 It was noisy, with Border Patrol Helicopters buzzing continuously overhead.

You can see Mexico just on the other side of the fence.

 It was hot. There was nothing to do in town. And the cost of homes in the area rivaled that of LA! For example, they wanted $350,000 for an adobe style park model home in the RV park where we stayed. Granted they were adorable, inside and out...but really?
We went for a drive to scout the area, as we had this nagging feeling we must be missing something. Why do so many people flock here in droves for the winter? 
This is what we found...

Okay, I must admit these are very impressive toys. 

But still, we left Yuma scratching our heads.

Next stop was Casa Grande. We actually looked at a few housing communities while there and really liked the area. Took some photos but when I uploaded them from my phone into my Drop Box to share, I deleted them from my phone too soon and lost them all. Bugger. 
The one photo that made it through is the one at the start of this post, the gravel parking lot start to our day. That is the Casa Grande RV Park. Cotye loved this park and for good reason; the dog park was HUGE and grassy with a little LAKE in the middle! It was the prettiest part of the RV Park. He was not happy when it was time to bug out.

Tonight when we sat outside it was warm (not hot), beautiful and quiet. Our souls reclined and in unison, heaved a huge sigh of contentment.
Cotye, on the other hand, had his nose working overtime. So many new scents! 
Then the new sounds kicked in with one unsuccessful cicada who made several attempts to get an orchestra started...but no one joined in. Maybe they had already 'bugged' out for the winter...heehee
Next there was a hoot owl, which made Cotye's head tilt in complete curiosity every time it called out "WHOO"  "WHOO". 
And, lastly, there was a whistling creature that none of us could make out whether it was a bird or an animal. 

It was rather scary at one point when there were several of them, whistling communications with each other and it became obvious they had begun to surround us.
First one on the left of us whistled to one directly in front of us, who in turn whistled to another on our right and so on . . . I was beginning to have flashbacks from the movie Jurassic Park. Remember those cute little dinosaurs that talked back and forth to each other and then pounced on an unsuspecting man and ate him up with their razor sharp teeth?
We decided it was getting dark and we should probably go inside. 

We'll investigate the "whistling creatures" tomorrow. 

In the daylight. 

I do feel adventure in the air. . . and it is looooong over due. 
Meanwhile, it is time for a movie and a sleep. 


  1. Enjoyed the read. Nice to know that our border patrol is working full time. Loved the pictures.

  2. Thanks Sharlene. And yes, the border patrol were very dedicated. They must use night goggles through the night. I used ear plugs.
