Monday, October 27, 2014

There is no "I" in Cactus or Velociraptors are still contained ...

This morning a very strong beaked bird pecked out one of the taillights on the RV, so this afternoon while Mark and Cotye worked on replacing the light, I took off on a wee hike to check out the local flora and play with the new camera lens attachment I got for my phone.
And may I just say, FUN gadget! Totally replaces the need for a big, bulky, camera. It is a small, single piece that clips easily onto your phone, and has four lenses to choose from; panoramic, fish eye, 10x magnification and 15x magnification.
I got so wrapped up in playing with my new “toy” that I had no idea I was collecting “hitchhikers” as I was taking photos.
When I began to walk back to the path (I had strayed) I started to feel extra bits moving around on me that I didn't remember feeling before.  
I looked down to find my shoes were covered in very long spikes, some of which were trying to make their way inside my shoe.  Plus, I had golf ball size clumps of cacti stuck to my shirt in various places, all the way around my shirt.
So here I was, simultaneously hopping up and down on one foot, trying to extract the spikes that were inside one of my shoes, while reaching around to remove spiky balls from body parts I didn't know I could reach, without stabbing holes in my fingers. AND, I was doing all of this while making every effort not to bump into more cacti that seemed to be closing in all around me.
It was a bit of scene, to be sure. Just hoping I did not catch the eye of any of the neighboring campers. Do you ever wonder how many videos there are out there, of you doing stupid stuff, or is it just me?
I still have one stubborn spike that is embedded in my thumb; looks like he will be spending the night.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from today…

So many types of cactus and I apparently only brushed the surface.
 (Pun intended, tee hee)
Looking forward to seeing many more types of cactus on our travels. I never realized how beautiful they really are.
Oh, I think I may have solved the mystery of the whistling, communicating critters that had us running for cover the other night...Yellow Bellied Marmots? Also known as "whistle pigs" . . . Mark still contends they were birds, which there are a lot of around here, whistlers as well. 
I am just happy to know there are no Velociraptors on the premises. 



  1. Love the photos and stories. Keep 'em comin' :-) Do you have an iPhone? The phone/camera attachment sounds amazing.

    1. Ollo Clip. It has been available for the iPhone for awhile but just came out for the Android (which is what I have) $70 Check it out, you will love it!
      Tiny little thing. Makes my work look like a pro...and that is a feat!!!


  2. Beautiful great pictures. Truly amazing. Hope you were able to remove all the spikes. Some can cause infection.

  3. Yes, I finally gnawed that last, lingering spike off that was in my thumb. It is in the upper 80's and I bundle up like it's in the 30's when I go out...just so the "spikes" don't get me when I teeter around. I am sure there is a type that actually "jump" onto you!!!
