Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cord of wood anyone?

None of us could sleep last night. Mark laid there wondering if the Tumbleweed would have any problems pulling the cargo trailer over the pass. I laid there wondering what I could wear that would be comfy and work for either hot or cool weather. Cotye laid there wondering why the two of us were tossing and turning so much. 

Everything went smoothly with the pack up. Was it bad I didn't feel any pangs of sentiment as we drove out of Castaic? 

I think it must have been long overdue. Good-bye Castaic Lake RV Park!
Cotye and I have been going on an "artifact hunt' daily since moving into the RV Park. We hope to do this in most places where we stay for more than a day or so. I thought it would be fun to document and share our findings here on the blog.

We were beginning to think we would come up empty handed after a week went by and all we came across was garbage blowing in the wind. Then our last night in the park we found this little guy.

Can you see him? It is an old-fashioned army man like the ones around when I was a kid. 

Cotye thought we should bring it with us, but I assured him there would be many more "artifacts" to find. Best to take a picture and leave it behind for someone else to enjoy. 

Cotye was okay with that.

We stopped for lunch at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere, literally. There wasn't a town in sight for miles, much less the odd ranch or even a cow. 

But it was a so nice to be far away from fast food joints, after having them every 50 feet from the RV park.

It was also nice to be on the road, yet have my kitchen with me to make us a healthy lunch!

Cotye had to settle for a couple of milk bones, but he didn't seem to mind.

The landscape was constantly changing as we drove along. There were rolling hills, then fields of California poppies, followed by Joshua trees then patches of lava. I took a lot of pictures, however I think I may need the same kind of practice a new Airline Hostess needs when learning how to keep a steady hand while on a bumpy ride. Today was especially bumpy, and windy. Here is one picture that wasn't too blurry. 

Mark says it is the Colorado River. I had no idea there was a Colorado River here in California and am wondering if it actually runs all the way from Colorado, or if its name is just a non-related coincidence. Too embarrassed to ask.

One thing I am certain of, is my knowledge of geography will improve immensely with all of this driving around. Here's hoping my memory holds out!

We hit our destination just after 4 o'clock PM. 

The Blake Ranch and Horse Motel. Oh my gosh, adorable! I can't wait to explore the area with my guys tomorrow.

Once we were plugged in, Mark took Cotye for a walk while I got the inside of the rig set up. It is so surreal that this is our home! I am bruised from pinching myself. Or, the bruises could be from trying to navigate my way back to the bathroom while the RV was bouncing from lane to lane. *shrug

After sitting outside with a glass of wine, we decided to scrap our original dinner plans and opted for one of our favorite go-to meals when we are tired:

I think we'll call it a night here shortly. So glad we will be staying one more night before moving on. 

Thanks for all the good thoughts, prayers and well wishes for safe travels. Day one is behind us. Only seven more days to go until we are safely at Nana and Lyle's house in Colorado.  

Sweet dreams all! I plan on sawing logs like a buzz saw tonight! Anyone need a cord of wood?


  1. The Blake Ranch sounds like fun. Post pics:-)

    1. Actually, the entrance, office and name of the place were the most fun. The rest was rather mundane. But the horses having a motel of their own, now that was unique!

  2. Ivah, it is so much fun reading your blogs. You are a great writer. The Blake Ranch sounds great. Looking forward to seeing some more pictures.

    1. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. I love it as a memory aid,. I should have done this ages ago to prevent me from doing things like absentmindedly washing my floors two days in a row - wait, that would never happen - scratch that idea,
      But seriously, it is great fun and I look forward to sharing!

  3. I looked up your whereabouts on the map--near Flagstaff. I remember going through that town when I went to see the Grand Canyon. We saw oxygen bars where you could go in for a shot. I wanted to, but never got to! :-)

    This is fun being your armchair traveler!

    1. When I first read your comment, I thought you said, "OXEN" bars...a shot of what, WHISKEY? Why, that's not my little JP!
      Must put on glasses and ingest coffee before replying to comments. lol

    2. (Armchair traveler, love it!)
