Monday, May 12, 2014

Ready, Set, GO!

I would like to give a shout out to LA County for their lack of road upkeep! Thank you very much! On the way to the repair shop, Chomper (sewage pump) was jiggled so much that when Mark arrived and turned the pump on for serviceman, Chomper let out a HUGE belch and the problem was solved! Just so it wasn't a wasted trip, Mark stopped by Camping World and picked up more gear for the RV. (Because we need more stuff!) – *eye roll.

After Chomper was feeling better, we took the RV in for a new set of tires. Can I just say, OUCH! I don’t think Mark will ever complain about the price of my shoes again!

Here is a rare picture of all three vehicles together. Not sure when this will happen again!  The Toad (car) will be staying in the spot we use to store the RV here in Castaic. After we drop the cargo trailer off in Colorado, we will return for the car mid-June. Then, let the games begin!

We are completely done with the house. Left the keys and garage remotes there and locked the door behind us. It has been a long time since I've seen Mark smile so big. I must admit, there was an amazing sense of freedom. I was worried I would feel remorse but nope! It was like removing a pair of cement shoes. And that is a very good feeling.

The RV is already packed for an early morning departure. 

Hercules (cargo trailer) will be earning his name this trip. This picture shows how stuffed it is.

I imagine hauling this thing over the mountains won't be a whole lot of fun. Sure glad I have my driver along!

So, we say good-bye to the Castaic Lake RV Park. Even though the area is a bit shady, there is new management and things are looking up. In the short time we were here, they moved all of the year-round campers to the back, and started re-doing each campsite up front with grass next to the cement RV pads, built-in fire pits, and newly painted picnic tables. The new manager is an ex-Sheriff so I am sure any alleged illicit affairs in the park will come to a screeching halt soon, if not already done so. Hey, we may even come back! ... Nah. At least not for awhile.


  1. Bob says if you have to park and stay over night do not park next to a refrigeration semi, they will turn on and off all night and you won't get much sleep. love from your BFF can't wait for your visit

    1. Good to know, thanks! Hmm, I wonder if that would drown out Mark's snoring...that could be a good thing! See you this summer!
