Monday, May 19, 2014

On the road again . . .

On the road again. We should be at our destination (Mark’s mom’s) in Walsenburg, Colorado in about four hours.

Our biggest adventure here in “the other Las Vegas”, New Mexico, was getting used to the elevation. In this area it is around 6,400 feet. 

As you can see in this picture, our chips were fighting for room in the cubbie as they expanded 3 dress sizes. Let me just say, it would be wise to pack your Haz-Mat suit and don goggles when you go to open condiments, hair products and make-up.
Oh, and it took two hours for the rice steamer to cook the rice, and even then it was still a bit crunchy. I wonder what people do around here for Thanksgiving. If you were cooking a large turkey, you’d have to stuff it and put it in the oven several days beforehand to have it ready in time!

Besides the “pressure” issues, it really is quite lovely here. Lots of beautiful wild flowers popping up everywhere, rejoicing in the spring. I think they know it is their time to shine. They seem to smile when you take their picture.


Again, (and I’m not whining, honestly) being without a car, our exploration is restricted to what we can do on foot.  The KOA here was great for this. Unlike the other RV parks we have hit along the way, it was not just a gravel parking lot. There were roads, trails, paths; this was a very pleasant change of venue. And the first time we were able to sleep without planes or trains buzzing by in the night.

When I see things like this windmill, it makes me want to buy a plot of land, have five dogs, some chickens for eggs, a cow for milk (named Betsy, of course) and a huge food garden inside of a giant greenhouse … I don’t like the thought of my food being outside and having bugs and dirty rain on it.

But that dream must remain a dream for now.  There are other dreams to explore first, and I do believe they will take a life time.

Here are a couple things Mark and Cotye found on their extended walk.

Just off the road . . .

Love the bench seating!

Well folks that is all for now. It has been a race between my laptop battery dying and the internet going in and out, as we are driving in the middle of nowhere (again). I better post this while I can. Later!

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