Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Eight Days and Counting!

Nine days until departure. Well, eight, since we already made it through today. 

The only RV Park that could handle the length of both our RV and our cargo van, sits in the center of ‘truck stop alley.’ Fresh air is nonexistent. We sit just off the main street which consists of dingy little bars and 24 hour Markets squeezed in between large gas stations and big fast food chains. The center turn lane is used exclusively for semi-trucks to park, with flashers on, while they grab a meal or a beer at one of these establishments. If you need to turn left or right, you have to be brave, creative and a little bit crazy.

Basically, there is not much to do but eat and buy gas, or eat and get gas. Even Cotye seems to notice the difference in air quality and doesn't ask to go out unless he really needs to.

Today I visited the house for the first time since the sale. It is, of course, empty. Huge. No longer feels like home. I was prepared to be sad and full of emotion but Cotye walked in and his eyes widened. He didn't see a sad empty house, he saw a huge personal race track. Round and round and round he went, wicked happy grin on his goofy face as he whooshed by each time, in a blur. What a great good-bye memory for that house!

Meanwhile the RV feels like it is shrinking, feet are getting bigger, chewing is louder, legs are longer, dog toys have multiplied in size and quantity (on their own). All this, not because we are over-stocked and out of room, but because we are so very anxious to get on the road! 

Eight days from now, our mental state may be a bit off (it already is). But as soon as we get some fresh air in our lungs and can stretch our legs on a leisurely walk in the vicinity of green trees, our sanity will return. At least that's the plan. *elbows imaginary friend in ribs and chuckles.* 

**Thank you Gabby for the adorable, and fitting, picture!


  1. Yea! YOu guys are going to have soooo much fun! Keep those stories coming.

    1. Yes Gabz, I can see your comment!! Can you see my reply!
