Thursday, May 22, 2014

Where is that Tumbleweed?

I apologize for the delay in posts. We have been very busy since we arrived here in Colorado!

Tumbleweed (RV) is once again free of the cargo trailer. It is now stowed in Mark’s mom, Dorothy, and her husband, Lyle’s, giant pole barn.  

We hitched it up to Dorothy’s SUV and she is the one who shimmied that thing into the back corner of the barn like she was playing with mere toy Hot Wheels.  

Once that was done, she got into her own truck and backed her rig in, right in front of it. 

Not bad for a great grandma!
Yesterday, Dorothy drove me to the supermarket for groceries. On the way home there was a pick-up truck with a sign that read, “puppies for sale". All I said was, “Ohhhhh, Puuuuupppies!!!,” and she hit the gas so hard, my head jerked back (okay, slight exaggeration).  As she was flooring it she looked over at me and said, “I think Mark would have done the same thing.”  And then she laughed! I seriously think she left a patch of rubber where she pealed out! And yes, Mark would have done same thing. <pout>

The first couple of days we arrived in Walsenburg, Colorado we stayed at Lathrop State Park. Best place we have camped yet. 

They have long, semi-circle sites that butt up to perfect tent pads for guests or your kids to camp in.

The sites are secluded, beautiful mountain views. I know I sound like a paid advertiser but I can’t speak highly enough of this campground. 

Oh, and there is a lake in the middle of all this, as well as a golf course and Amphitheatre . . . 

Maybe you should just click the link if you are interested. 

Once we got into Walsenburg, we helped get the folks set up for the summer season. 

I didn’t realize how much work was involved in the setting up and closing down of seasonal homes. 

But I guess if you only have to do it twice a year, it’s not bad. 

And it is nice to have the option of bugging out when you don’t like the weather at one home - you just head to the other.

It is thundering loudly. Cotye has probably never heard thunder before, as it is a rare thing in Southern California. He was asleep when the first big clap hit. He sat groggily up, looked at me with his tired little eyes, not scared (thank God) just curious. And when a second clap came, he pranced over to me for an explanation. I cuddled him and told him it was only the angels bowling.

He seemed satisfied with that, so he went back to his bed and finished his nap. Do you ever wonder what goes on in your dogs’ mind when you talk to it? 

Cotye always acts like he understands what I am saying, Oh, but what I’d give to get inside that little head of his. He is probably thinking the same thing about me. Monkey chatter - that's what goes on in my pretty little head. 

Ah, I forgot to mention that we moved our rig to the folks’ house yesterday. Clean toilets, free laundry facility, good food and happy hour daily at 5 p.m. …actually, THIS is the perfect camp site!

Bye for now. A nap is calling! Wait, that’s the dryer buzzer . . . ugh.


  1. Enjoy your family time!

    1. Thanks JAY we did. Now it is time to bug out and head to family in Showlow, AZ after a few stops along the way!
