Saturday, May 24, 2014

Cotye saves the day!

There was a mouse in Nana’s house. This made her very mad.

Seeing my Nana so upset, made me feel so sad.

Nana vacuumed, cleaned and scrubbed, still she was upset.

That’s when I knew it was up to me, that mouse I had to get!

I sniffed around and caught its scent, then pointed it out to dad.

Mom would not let us kill it. She said that would be too sad.

Instead she picked the critter up and took it far away.

She promised it would not return, and said I had saved the day.

Now I am a hero. I think I like that role.

My name is Cotye Randall.  King of Mouse Patrol!


  1. Replies
    1. I've never had a dog with a nose like this! He really is strutting around like he thinks he needs a crown!

  2. Replies
    1. (I wanted to keep the mouse. I didn't happen) . . .

  3. wow, Ivah, this Renee had not told me. Awesome!!
