Friday, May 16, 2014

Fishing for Planes!

Three days into the RV life and I am figuring out that our adventures will probably lie beyond the confines of a campground.  Without the Toad (our vehicle that will be ‘towed’ behind us once we stow the cargo trailer)…we are pretty much limited to whatever the RV Parks have to offer. So far, that has been mostly gravel and dog runs.

We did, however, have some excitement last night as the rig started shaking. Being from California, we naturally assumed it was an earthquake; nope, just a very nearby train. Pretty sure if I’d put my arm out the window and did the “pull cord” sign, the conductor would have blown his whistle.

But that wasn't the end of our excitement. We began to hear a buzzing noise. At first it was far enough away that I did a 360-degree head turn, looking for a mosquito…but it got so loud that we pulled up the blinds to see a very small, very low plane coming in for a landing. I could literally see the tread on the tires, without my contacts in. Either there is a small airfield behind us, or a farmer owns his own crop duster, because it made several outings throughout the evening.

Tonight I’m going to move our rope lights to the roof of the RV, stand outside with a couple of my scarves attached to wooden spoons, and I’m going to catch me a plane!  Wish me luck!

Meanwhile back on the ranch...on my walk I found an old stagecoach;

...And a really cool old bench who has lived the existence of a chameleon. 
I tried, but could not count the layers of colors it had been painted.
Now it reminds me of a Rainbow Eucalyptus.

 I find it comforting to find beauty in the aging, 
especially when you can see remains of a life well lived...
... like smile/laugh lines.


  1. You have definitely inherited the Jones Family sense of humor.
    Before I was born, my parents took the twins on a vacation. Late one evening they pulled into a motel and suddenly they heard a train approaching. I've been told Mom said she thought she needed to open the door to let the train go through. The twins just let out a shaky "Moooootherrrr...."

  2. That's funny! Yes, the Jones Family has quite a few nuts in its tree, but only the best kind!

  3. Love the pictures..Stories and pictures to show your Grandchildren too..Do you feel like you are just on a Vacation or a life time of fun..

    1. Well I've always aimed at a life time of fun . . . but you have something there. I do feel like we are vacationing. I must say to Mark, at least 3 times/day - - - "This is our Life!" - Still pinching myself. Still bruising. Soon it will look like an all-over tan, without the risk of sun damage. That's a good thing, right? lol

  4. Did you the find the owner of the plane and ask for a joy flight?

  5. BTW JAY is me (Jennifer Y)

  6. Hey JAY! Welcome!
    Our local plane guy didn't buzz by until late last night. Couldn't figure him out. Up to something fishy, no doubt! lol
