Friday, May 30, 2014

Wishing Tree joins us for lunch, literally!

Here it is! The Pie they named a town after! Pie Town, New Mexico.

My critique; lighten up on the crust!  Not that the crust wasn't delicious, but it would have done better on a chicken pot pie. I've been spoiled though; no one makes a pie crust as well as my friend Michelle.

The filling was pretty darn good. I would have preferred some whole blackberries included, they appeared to have run the berries through a food mill. But the flavor was delish, I’ll give them that; not too sweet, thick and tall! We still have half a pie, next piece I will try warming it and adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream. That may soften the crust and change my grade from B- to an A-.

We met up with the Aunties for lunch. They took us to a local favorite, America’s Pie Company. One of those little back street places with mamma cooking in the kitchen. Delicious home cooked food! I don’t remember the last time I saw prices like these either, breakfast for $1.99!

We sat outside under The Wishing Tree. Thankfully Mark looked up as a piece of that tree fell into Aunt Strannie’s salad, because no one else noticed. She was just getting ready to chomp into a nice chunk of pine! 

Dear Wishing Tree, we wish you’d keep your branches to yourself!

We spent the rest of the day relaxing and getting the lay of the park figured out. Cotye gives a 4-paws up for the dog-run, it is HUGE!

We’re staying at the Venture In RV Resort at Show Low, AZ. It is the first 55+ we have been to. This morning I opened my bedroom window, which is right next to my pillow, to see droves of people, all in red T-shirts, heading towards the building in front of us. I have heard of the red hat society, but not the red T-shirt brigade. This group was much quieter and there were equal parts men and women. The way they were walking was like they were all hypnotized and following a call heard only by the red shirt people. Maybe tomorrow I should dig out my red T-shirt and see what this is all about. Nah – sometimes it is more fun to leave things to the imagination.

Today Aunt Ruth is giving us a tour of the town. Oh dear, I better get going. I still have to shower and paint on a face!


  1. Gosh, that pie looks so good. The crust does look a little heavy. Glad you are having fun on your tour of the US.

    1. Heading back to CA in a couple days to pick up the car and would like to get the cousins together one more time before we head east. I'll send you all a personal message with details. xoxo
